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About Us

Company History

JAYBEST INTERNATIONAL LIMITED is a privately company with diverse specialties in IT, Office automation and Equipment market. We were  incorporated in 22nd October, 1987 with Registration Number: RC 101327 and has grown from a modest beginning to become a major dealer in their chosen line of business. The Company is committed to quality and customer satisfaction through the integration of motivated people, innovative technology, prioritizing safe working conditions, genuine source of goods and creating an environment in which different cultures interact in a positive way to a competitive advantage. Our company is client dedicated and is widely known and respected in the market place.

To provide quality products and services that will stand the test of time to our various clients, and to be committed to our customers through good services delivery while ensuring good citizenry.

Product innovation, quality consistency and a true resolve to deliver professional and technical support are some of the reason why we serve over a million clients in Nigeria and in the West African sub region.

The experience we possess in IT, office equipment , office consumable market is backed by our energetic, technical, knowledgeable team.

As the office world becomes more sophisticated and global in outlook, you can rely on JAYBEST INTERNATIONAL to keep you at the leading edge, with world class brand and design, service and quality, in this millennium.


Our Mission Statement

To understand, meet and exceed our customer’s present and future needs for high quality, value for money and on time delivery services. Under all circumstance, we strive to achieve the following:

 1.      To apply the highest standard of integrity when dealing with our clients

2.      We place emphasis on providing   quality goods and services to our clients and only make commitment that we can keep.

3.      We have chosen to be specialist who value Technical excellence and innovation and therefore strive to operate on the leading edge in all our areas of practice.

 Our Quality Policy.

The management and Staff of JAYBEST INTERNATIONAL LIMITED are committed to meeting and exceeding customer  needs for high quality products and services, must be environmentally friendly and safety conscious and renders our services without compromising quality and excellence.


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